The group was established in 1995 and works under the care of the Cultural-Social Association, “Grojcowianie” in Wieprz and the Municipal Culture Promotion Centre and Tourism Radziechowy-Wieprz. Over the last twenty years they have appeared on many stages in the regions of Poland and abroad. The ensemble performs folklore, music and dances of highlanders from Beskid Zywieki mountains.

In their programs they present the characteristic dances: “Obyrtkę, “Siustany”, “Koło, “Koń”, Krzyżok”, “Bon”, polkas, waltzes and the most spectacular “Hajduk.”

The program seeks to faithfully and according to tradition, rituals and customs provides the Zywiec highlanders a wealth of dialect and props. They present their skills in developed programs: “Pentecost”, “Mojka” and “Highlander from Żywiec wedding.”

The group also shows the customs of the Christmas carol: “Po Kolyndzie u Pawlusa”,

” Z Gwiozdą” and Kozą po Kolędzie”, or “Dziady Noworoczne.”

Grojcowianie in their repertoire have developed many songs of a religious nature, as well as carols, which are often present during church ceremonies.

In the Zakopane festival the group will present the program, “Po Odpuście.” After the indulgence mass everyone comes together in the churchyard square among the stalls. This is an opportunity to meet young people, buy sweets and gingerbread hearts for the girl of one’s choice. It is also the possibility to have fun, jokes and dances with traditional music. There will be bagpipes from Żywiec and Heligonka. Outside the church we will meet the old village man singing pilgrimage songs.

The group wish to be in the 2nd category: Artistic.